Our Mission

The featured products on this site bring a tangible contribution in the safeguarding of our environment either by making use of recycled materials or by finding new usage for existing ones thereby avoiding disposal in landfills.

Our mission is to find products that are ecologically friendly. We are interested only in products that contain a reasonable amount of recycled products and that can be recycled once their usage life is complete. If you are the manufacturer of such products and you are looking at ways of increasing your distribution channels and sales, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you are an architect, a builder, a contractor, a distributor, or a retailer, incorporating these products into your offerings will not only benefit our planet by making it a better place to live in but will also provide your customers with products that meet today’s life styles.

If you have a specific request or want to offer ecologically sound products, click on the contact us tab to post your request. Pricing for the individual featured products on this site will be supplied upon request. Do not forget to indicate the required quantities for each item.

You are an influential person!
What you do can help clean the air and save energy.
YOU CAN make a difference and YOU CAN start right now!